I am so bored, to the extent of trying to do my homework.
I'm so fucked up by the acelearning. It was due yesterday morning at eight in the morning, and I logged in at ten, and it was like fucking closed. It is like fucking counted in CA1. Screw it upside down, inside out lah. My maths is screwed again. Zzz.
Can't find anything to do, and I have a problem with colours. That was random, I am random nowadays. Bleah.
I don't want school to start, I haven't done any homework, fucked.
Yesterday got network jam, can't send messages out. Gave up after awhile. I love Jeanette Aw.
Sheeps are cute, dogs are all bones, puppy are adorable, cats and zebras are quarelling, cats are hairy, sotongs are horrible, pigs are awesome, bears are cute! :D